วันอาทิตย์ที่ 4 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2554

[Fanaccount] 110902 2PM HANDS UP Asia Tour in Seoul 2011 Day 2

Enjoy my Woogle t-shirt or click on the cut to the full 2nd day con account hurhurhur…

This time I managed to make some notes on my phone, because I didn’t need to stare with my eyes open, as it was the 2nd time, and I was sitting among hottests (and JPN fans screaming JUN-KAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY all the time), so it was more like a party. All it all, it was a lot more fun than yesterday, but they didn’t perform I’m your man. Well, since Taec was not in the best shape, I suppose that is understandable, and who knows what kind of underground rivers are running in between JYP Ent and Sony Ariola Japan, so… let’s just drop it and enjoy the show.

1. Hot - Really loved the choreo. Especially Jang Wooyoung’s. You will have to deal with me on this one, because the initial OMG Hwang Chansung charm has evaporated. I mean, it’s still OMG Hwang Chansung, but OMG Jang Wooyoung why do you even exist is a bit stronger lol. And it’s a song that totally pumps up the audience. A very good choice for a start.

2. Electricity remix - together with the dancers, and Taec was just at the very beginning here, he later disappeared and that kept on happening throughout the concert. Things I haven’t told you about this perf yesterday: before Junsu’s part, they go up front and start spinning these whachamacallit penlight thingies. Just like it was during a joint 2pm/T-Ara performance at Inkigayo. Although this time no one screwed up kk. And LOL Jun.K. Open your heaaaaaaaart~ at that time, the guys at the front of the stage throw away their penlights and all the lights focus on the front stage were Junsu is singing wearing an LED jacket (similar to the one that Wooyoung had in Put Your Hands Up). Electricity baby~ XD

3. Put Your Hands up - also terribly energetic song, which makes the audience and 2PM into one. Afterwards there was a ment, where Junsu asked like: are you ready to get crazy? Audience: yeah! his jacket: bling bling~ Junsu: Ah, I don’t think so… Are you ready to get crazy?! Audience: YEAH! His Jacket: bling bling~ Junsu: … ok, this is not right, ARE YOU READY TO GET CRAY?!?! Audience: SQUEEEEEEEEEEE Jacket: Dudung~ totally lights up XD

4. I was crazy for you/Tired of Waiting remix. Tired of Waiting was a total party. Jang Wooyoung went cray with his dances and obviously overdid, but who doesn’t love it when this guy moves lol I sure do. They were running around the stage and we stood up to see them better, and hmm, my notes say “woo woo woo”, ahaha, all I can remember, is that he really was balancing on the verge of sexy and ssanti during Tired of Waiting, but everyone loved it.

5. Jun/Woo joint stage. canwehaveajunwoounitnextyearkthnxbai. I’m repeating myself, but they look so good together it’s ridiculous. After the concert I went for a dinner with Korean and Thai fans (I have no idea how I managed to find myself in the same company as Danjisoo and Namisayo omg o.o”), and they were talking about it, how JunWoo are really like twins, and the funniest thing was.. At the very end of their perf, there’s this part where they stand side to side with their arms folded (Jang Wooyoung arms are no joke man what when how? o.o”), and move to the rhythm together, but Wooyoung moves his upper body more while Junho’s lower body moves more ahahaha. So cute XD

6. I can’t. After JunWoo stage, they had a short ment, preparing for the slower part of the con, and once again they talked about Wooyoung and how he grew muscles. He was changing into that pink jacket of his and the camera caught him. Umm.. black tanktop and totally sweaty Jang Wooyoung all over the screen. Yeah. You catch the drift. Audience screamed their heads off.

7. Give it to me. After I can’t which we were supposed to sing together with them, the boys moved forward for another song. During I can’t though, SuKhunChan walked by the right side and it was very close to our area and and, Chansung is so handsome ;~; and he was so cute the entire evening, lemmesquishhimplease. They were dancing again during Give it to me, and TaecWooKhun came to our side. We were standing up whenever they walked by. I thought that was the closest you could get to them, but well… I didn’t know what would happen at the very end of the con…

8. Dance with me. The whole idea of the song is them boys trying to persuade a girl (it’s that tall tall dancer who did Tired of Waiting with Wooyoung for the encore last year) to dance and enjoy everything. She ends up dancing with Khun, but then as the song finishes, she leaves, only to come back and pull TaecKhun with her. lol. Then it flows further into a ment, with the boys thinking what was the reason for her choice, as if “yeah we know that Taec and Khun are really charming and what not, but hey, are we that bad really?” So they end up walking around an interviewing fans, asking for their charms XD Chan was so cute, he like asked: what is my charm? Audience: ARGHGHGkgdjfdajfkdjfhakfjhk $#(&$*#&% Chan: *grin* aw you guys *grin* *wiggle wiggle* THAT WAS SO CUTE asjafhkdjfahkjh can I squish him at least in my dreams? kthxbai. Wooyoung even went forth and did a short ssanti dance routine are a long while. People went cray. But then the guys said that yeah yeah, we know that Taec and Khun were taken away because they need to prepare for their stage, and you guys look forward to it, you have no idea who’s gonna be their special guest. And so, TaecKhun did not change their clothes on stage this time kk.

9. My Valentine/Itaewon Freedom. They came out wearing checkered suits for My Valentine and it all was really nice and sweet, until the Itaewon freedom and PARK JINYOUNG CAME OUT WEARING AN AFRO AND HE WAS TROLLING ON TAECKHUN ALL THE TIME OMG!! I screamed my head off. Taec mixed the steps for the song, but oh hell, who cares, it was with JYP!! T___T I love those trolls omg.

10. Chan’s martial arts stage. Umm.. Nothing new to tell about this one, except that Chansung is exceptionally good looking and if he’s not cast in a historical drama next year, someone send a biological virus to KBS or smth…

11. Jeonggamie’s story II. Same thing as yesterday, nothing new, but I really hope the video will show up somewhere in HD soon, because the guys are absolutely hilarious. Oh, and this time (well, same as yesterday), there were Korean subs on the video with all the caps and what not, and it really was helpful and easier to understand everything. Good job JYPE, you live and learn.


12. I’ll be back. No Taec, he appeared only when it was his turn.

13. I hate you.

14. BACK 2 U. Definitely the highlight of the concert. The entire choreo is mind-blowing, and if you look at the whole sex-on-stage thing from an objective point of view, it is extremely well-done. Two people that you can’t take your eyes off during this perf is Jang Wooyoung and Hwang Chansung. Yes yes, I’m biased, but hell. After the con, when I was talking with the fans from all over, we all agreed that either a) Jang Wooyoung is not the innocent boy he claims to be; or b) he’s a freaking natural and someone plz give him a girl asap if he doesn’t have one yet. And Chansung, well.. it’s just the whole FEEEEEEEEEEEL that’s coming off him. If Wooyoung wins you over with this fluid movements and technique, then Chansung has something that emanates from within and he lives the song. OMG, someone put him in a drama ASAP.

15. Junsu’s solo stage. I’m Alive. A lot of Japanese fans yelling Jun.Kaaaaaaaaaay~ Jun.Kaaaaaaaaay~ ok, Jun.K really really impressive. And your voice is so loud I don’t even. Sound director where is your head lol. Kudos Su. Btw, there was a whole lot of Japanese today. More than yesterday. And more foreigners as in visible ones. They all looked so scary I don’t even. As in, you see them and somehow want to shrink and hide and I was in a constant depression that I must give away the exact same impression :( but my Thai friends were like: it’s ok, you blend in, you wear Woogle shirt! ^^ ahahaha, I bet I still looked weird but oh well. Felt great ^0^

16. Without U and a ment. My notes say “Chan cute”, but I don’t remember what he did, probably ran around the stage acting like a dork lol, there was a lot of that today, he was extremely adorable. Giant baby. *snuggles*

17. Only U/모르니. This is where everyone got up again, and Junho and Khun were sent flying above the 2nd floor once more. Junsu came to our section and got up on the lift, getting up right up to our eye level. He’s like… like.. a homie. I dunno, he gave me that kind of feeling. I would like to a have a drink or two with him. *punches wide shoulder* Yo man wassup. Then Chan was running around the stage again, and someone threw a banana on stage and he caught it ahahah. I don’t know whether it was a real or a toy banana though ^^;; Taec and Junho came around the right flank again, and I thought my arm would fall from waving that official lightstick so much (that freaking thing is for 17,000 won, it’s a rip off ;~; but oh well, a nice souvenir at least, once in a lifetime). Junho is so handsome T___T Like a sculpture. And Taec is a like a warm earth. + trolly. Don’t ask why I came up with such a description, I have no idea lol. And then at the very end, Taec and Khun did a funny dance skit at the very centre of the stage. Like going down slowly, bending their knees and then up. LOL, dorks.

18. 10 out of 10. Lots of yelling, throwing your hands up and dancing along. The fans are there to fan yourself during the concert, because you really get hot, if you get into it. And at the very end, the acrobatics… Wooyoung did the usual oh-look-i-can-raise-my-legs-and-almost-do-a-handstand thingie, then Chan did the half-flip and Junho did the full tumble. Man, everytime they do that my heart stops hoping that nothing bad would happen to them, but thank god, they are professionals and everything ends up well.

19. Ment saying that they haven’t even sang a half of their best songs.

20. Again & Again. It’s classics. What else is there to say about it.

21. Don’t Stop Can’t Stop. This song pumps up the boys and the audience so much it’s unbelievable. Everyone yells as one, plus you can’t forget the fire across the stage. W00t w00t. I love this song.

22. Heartbeat. Taec began standing, he didn’t kneel. It was rather weird to see Chan lying around and then standing up fully, but it fit in well. Taec disappeared after his part again, and right when there’s this part in Heartbeat, where they all come together and sort of thrash at each other, Woo looking so lonely pumping up his chest without Taec ripping at his shoulder behind his back, but that’s probably just me lol. I must be a TaecWoo shipper deep down below. HEARTBEAT ENDING WAS AWESOME. As usual, they started killing each other off, but then Khun-angel appeared above them and stopped them. Everyone fell to the ground and Khun’s like tadaaaa~ White CG wings appear. Everyone’s kyaaaaaaah~ and then suddenly, buduuum~ one wing gets scorched. Kyaaaaaaaaaaah! Budum~ second wing gets scorched. Audience: afjahdfkjhadkfjhadkjhad Khun: *evil grin* and BABAAAAM, he gets these huge badass black wings and cue in some rock music. He ripped his shirt in the end, but I knew that only because Offo-eonni told me, lol, I was too mesmerized by the black wings. It was a nice twist, considering how Khun is always telling that he’s not such an angel in real life kkkkkk. (Fancam*)

23. Encore - Thank You. Fans started singing it, and then the boys joined in, wearing jeans and t-shirts and it was obvious that they would not be performing I’m Your Man tonight. I wasn’t too disappointed about it, because Taec was injured anyways, but keeping in mind his condition, they managed to pull it off very well today. During the ment, as usually, they thanked their fans etc, nice words, their 3rd year anniversary, and then they promised to go cray.

24. 10/10 remix + AAA remix (I think, omg, i can’t remember, but the first one was really 10/10 XD). Ah, I totally lost my mind, because while at first they were running around the stage, eventually Wooyoung got on the right flank lift, with Taec sitting beside him and they both were raised up to our eye level!!! DKghakjhkjfhkfjhkjhkjahfaksjfh Taec was so adorable, with these cat ears on his head and playing with a big coctail umbrella which he threw to the fans later, and HOLY MOTHER OF GOD, I saw Jang Wooyoung in wet white shirt. Now I just need, dunno… get married and my life’s plan is complete LOL. And really… they’re not tiny. Lean, but not tiny. And whatever DNA cocktail made Jang Wooyoung have these proportions, I want some of that. Offo-eonni managed to take photos of that TaecWoo scene, so expect to see some pics @2pmalways soon, once everyone returns to Thailand ^^


P.S. Needless to say, that the singing quality was outstanding, aside from a few flats from Khun and Chansung, but 2PM is not a chorus group in a first place. Jang Wooyoung should stop yelling lol. I love his voice, and he sings well, but stop yelling, it’s bad for you XD. And Junsu has a really really powerful voice *..*
And with this my 2 weeks vacation is over OTL. Need to prepare to work remotely from Monday and then classes at Hankuk Uni of Foreign Studies. *sigh* But you sure are not interested in that XD Btw, kudos if you read it all, because it’s 2433 words ^.^b

credit: Written by Egle @2pmalways

